ASM developed the GENESIS control system in 2003, as there was a growing demand from the entertainment, event and fixed installation markets for a professional full synchronization system suitable for small to large applications. The GENESIS software has been developed since then and is installed on all control units.  Since his creation the GENESIS is offering a control solution in more than 500 venues.

The GENESIS Control System consists of modules to create a complete modular, decentralized and scalable system, which has proven its worth in all kinds of venues:

The LC(Lifting Control) is the heart of the GENESIS system. It consists of a dual CPU and is completely redundant. All LCs are backed up in the other LCs in the GENESIS system, so that it is a complete backup system without using a server. The LC has also a control interface and can be used to operate the system.

The GENESIS Power Pack is the drive for the hoist and has a GENESIS Twincore Axiscard mounted. All Axiscards are equipped with two redundant CPUs and communicates with the LC to control the hoist at full power and synchronously. The Axiscards acts as the brain of the hoist and ensures safe movement by monitoring all connected signals and sensors. The Power Packs are interchangeable between hoists (same kW) as all hoist data is stored on the special GENESIS chip built into the hoist or other equipment that needs to be controlled by the ASM GENESIS Power Pack. This can be for example a third-party hoist, a stage turntable or an electrically operated stage lift.

One LC is designed to connect up to 8 Power Packs and has a control interface to be able to operate the 8 hoists.

Any system using more than 8 hoists can be established by connecting (via shielded CAT.5 S-FTP or higher cables and two neutrik RJ 45 connectors) up to 16 LC units, each supporting up to eight hoists. This means the system can go up to 128 axis.

These customization options ensure operating systems in all type and size of venues for all budgets in SIL 3.

The Control Desk CDx (CD1, CD2, CD2 XL) and the remote-control RC are designed to offer a more convenient way of operating and controlling the system via the intuitive interface.  Available in multiple version the CDx provides a solution for different needs.

To ensure operation on stage level and anywhere, from where you want to control the system, the Plugboxes and Master Plugbox extend the wired operation to wherever you need them to be.

The GENESIS software is undergoing constant developments and allows to operate almost all needed functions of a professional rigging system.

The GENESIS system is SIL3 approved by TÜV Nord in accordance to EN 61508 since 2010.


The product range includes many different options fitting your application with ease.

  • Plug and play
  • Intuitive GUI – easy to learn, easy to master
  • Black channel technology – supports different transfer media
  • Freely scalable up to 128 axes
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Easy replacement of individual control components
  • Modular design
  • Decentralized
  • SIL3 certified since 2010
  • High flexibility from simple set operation to scenic movement
  • Fast Start & Rebooting


The product range includes many different options fitting your application with ease.

  • all Power Packs with a TwinCore card are able to update to the latest version
  • Plug and play
  • Intuitive GUI – easy to learn, easy to master
  • Black channel technology – supports different transfer media
  • Freely scalable
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Easy replacement of individual control components
  • Manages all hoists in the system
  • Modular design allows any size of control system (from one to multiple hoists in asynchronous and synchronous movement)
  • Time drive possible
  • decentralized so that central servers are not needed
  • SIL3 certified
  • Fast and easy set up
  • High flexibility from simple set operation to scenic movement